Forecasting the cosmic weather using Astrology

When requesting a reading, please supply: name, date of birth, place of birth & time of birth.

In order to cast an accurate natal chart, please provide all the details requested.
NAME        DATE    &      PLACE     &      TIME OF BIRTH
Birth certificates in some *countries, record the time of birth, or baby record books may also hold this information .
The rising sign (ascendent) changes every 2 hours or so, therefore this will create new houses where planets are placed.                   If a birth time is not accurate, the reading may also not be as specific to your life,
as the planets may occupy a different house, which represents a different area of life.
It may be possible to work on chart rectification, if you do not have an accurate time of birth, but this can be a very time-consuming process.
* please contact me to discuss options, if this applies to you, as much can still be gleaned without the birth time.